大多數情況下,我們選擇、購買鞋子是為了它穿著上的功能,它不但保護了我們的腳也改善我們的帶給他人的視覺感受。對於一些鞋設計師而言,基本功能是不夠的。那他們做了些什麼呢事呢? 以下就讓我們來看一下世界上最古怪的18雙鞋。
Mostly, we pick, we buy and wear shoe because of the functionality. It protects our feet and improve our looking. For some shoe designer, that basic functionality is not enough. Here`s what they do. This is 18 weirdest shoes in the world。
1.蜘蛛的家 Shoe of Spider House
從這張照片看來,你知道你可以用這雙鞋來做些什麼事了。對於有蜘蛛恐懼症的女性來說,這是雙最完美的鞋。From the picture, you know what you can do with the shoe. For a woman who have arachnophobia it is perfect shoe for her.
(安小編 : 話說我實在萬分不認同這句話~我不想把蜘蛛踩在腳下Y...= =" )
2. 樂高鞋 Lego Shoe
It is too big to wear.No girl will wear the shoe to office
(安小編 : 做成小的應該也蠻炫的..)
3. 立體聲運動鞋 Stereo snickers
The shore can play music but I suggest not to wear it on wet area or under heavy rain.
(安小編 : 像這兩天如飛瀑般的大雨從天而降..應該一出門鞋子就唱不了歌了吧.., 不知道能否把他做成防水的... )
4. 可折疊的鞋 Foldable shoe 這雙鞋很輕,而且輕鬆易折好使用。如果妳想擁有一雙便宜又攜帶方便的鞋子,這雙鞋就是為妳設計的。 It is light, foldable and easy to use. If you want to have cheap and simple to carry shoe, This is for you.
(安小編 : 感覺很不賴,不知道那邊買得到... 有找到的朋友再告訴小編阿..)
5. 口香糖鞋 Sticky gum shoe
穿上這雙鞋,將讓妳覺得妳穿的這雙鞋像是踩在口香糖上。基本上這是高跟的,不是給男人穿的。Wearing this shoe, will make you like wearing a shoe with sticky gum on the sole. It is basically high heel. It is not for man‧
(安小編 : 話說不知道為何原作者要加上最後一句 = =?..)
6. 科幻鞋 Sci-Fi shoe
This shoe is not meant to be worn. It is simply a huge sofa with a futuristic shoe design.
(安小編 : 感覺很像有音響的功能..)
7. 長頸鹿造形鞋 Giraffe shaped shoes
It is made for giraffe lover. The material is not made of genuine Giraffe leather.(安小編 : 我也想要一雙
8 帆船鞋 Boat Shoe
Although, the design is look like a small boat, you won`t float on water once you wear it(安小編 : 穿上它也不會立即練就水上漂功夫的.. ..)
9 香蕉鞋 Banana Shoe
I don’t know how to wear the shore. But from the image, I think this shoe is another unconventional high heel shoe(安小編 : 香蕉鞋 @@...)
10. 遊戲機鞋 Game Boy Shoe
即使高跟鞋和遊戲機感覺不是很相襯,但我想,買一雙做為你女兒的聖誕節禮物是不會錯的選擇。Although High heel shoe and game boy is not a perfect match, I think it is never wrong to buy one of the shoe as a Christmas gift for your daughter.
(安小編 : 我會比較想要一雙正常的鞋子+1台遊戲機...)
11.草鞋 Grass Sandals 綠草是橡膠做的,我確定他很適合夏天穿。我想這雙鞋很配南瓜燈的萬聖節服裝阿~
The green grass is made of rubber and I am sure it will be convenient to wear it on sunny day. I think the sandals will be matching pair for a Jack O Lantern Halloween costume
(安小編 : 穿了應該會感覺腳很刺吧)
12,.超高鞋 Extreme High heels
I don’t know how to wear the shoe without ending in a hospital.
(安小編 : 這也是我的心聲 XD~)
13. 連身牛仔庫運動鞋 Jeans Snickers 冬天最好的一雙鞋,唯一的問題是我需要花多少時間穿它呢...?
It is perfect shoe for winter. The only question is how fast I could tie it and how long I could lose from it.
(安小編 : 這種鞋看看欣賞就好..穿脫需要花不少時間吧 = ="。)
14. 蹄狀鞋 Hoof shoe
Shoe with weird combination of horse`s toe and classic pistol`s heels(安小編 : 原創作者想表達什麼呢…? 槍殺了一匹馬 = =?)
15. Flipper Shoe
有任何女孩想只穿它不穿泳衣嗎? 我想高跟鞋對水上水下來說都不是件好事。
Is there any girl want to wear it without wearing a swim suit? I think the high heel shoe is bad for underwater and non- underwater.(安小編 : 想太多了吧...)
16. 洞穴人 Cave-man shoes
For a man who does not consider this shoe hideous, I suggest you to buy it.(安小編 : 這鞋看起來是很猙獰沒錯 ...)
17. 開瓶器鞋 Bottle Opener shoe
Shoe with combination of High heel and a bottle opener will be suitable for any bartender girl.
(安小編 : 好方便的一雙鞋 ...)
8. 巧克力拖鞋 Chocolate slippers
The Chocolate slipper is edible but it is guaranteed won`t be long wearing.(安小編 : 不會有人捨得拿來穿吧)
Tell me if you want to get one of weird shoe above ?
資料來源 : 轉譯自
Tell me if you want to get one of weird shoe above ?
資料來源 : 轉譯自